Excessive armpit sweating or the axillary hyperhidrosis is a problem that is most commonly faced by many of the people across the world. This is the problem that is very humiliating and can’t be a beard. For Excessive Armpit Sweating Treatment must be taken to resolve this problem. Firstly, you must use the antiperspirant as it will absorb all the sweat. You must use it twice a day and the next measure to take is you should take shower on a regular basis so as to remove all the germs and itchiness that certainly creates the sweating and bad odor.

Cause for Excessive Sweating

Normally, sweating is the way of body to maintain the temperature. The temperature of your body will automatically come down when the sweat evaporates from the surface of the skin. Our body mainly consists of 3 million sweat glands that certainly produce sweat. Mainly, these glands produce way more than it is necessary in case of excessive sweating. The increase of production of sweat can be through the stress factors that can be physical or emotional. Armpit sweating is mainly genetic, eating unhealthy food or excessive intake of alcohol or smoking can also contribute to the production of excessive sweat.

Treatment for Excessive Sweating

There are many of the treatment that can help in reduction of armpit sweating. Below are some of the treatments that will help you in the reduction of sweating:

       Topical Treatment

 This is one of the excessive sweating treatment armpit that treats the mild to moderate all the severe cases. This will work by plugging the pores on the surface of your skin and that will help from preventing sweat to reach the surface. Some of the chemicals that are placed in the antiperspirant can also have the side effects on your body. Another downfall of using the strong antiperspirant is you have to use this for a longer period.


 Botox is a type of neurotoxin that causes the food poisoning. The patient is given an injection in their armpit with the guidance of local anesthesia that will reduce the sweating. Patients will see the results in just two to four days. One of the major drawbacks of Botox is the injection last for an average of six months there is a requirement of repeat dose once in a four month. These all are the basic armpit sweating treatment that you can if you are very humiliated with the excessive sweating.