Choosing the right instructor can make a world of difference when you’re learning to play the guitar. A great mentor can motivate you, simplify complex theories, and guide you towards becoming a proficient guitarist. Here are five critical questions you should ask your potential guitar teacher in Auckland to ensure they’re the best fit for your musical journey.

  • What’s Your Experience and Qualification?

Experience and qualification are two vital aspects to consider when choosing a mentor. An experienced instructor will have a better understanding of different teaching methods, which can be beneficial for students with varying learning capabilities. Don’t shy away from asking about their qualifications, their years of teaching, and the type of students they’ve taught in the past.

  • What’s Your Teaching Style?

Each instructor has a unique teaching style. Some might focus on theory, while others might emphasize practical skills. Understanding their teaching style can help you ascertain if it aligns with your learning preferences. For instance, if you’re a hands-on learner, a tutor who emphasizes practical application over theory would be an ideal choice.

guitar teacher in Auckland

  • How Do You Handle Progress Tracking and Feedback?

Progress tracking is essential to understand how far you’ve come in your guitar learning journey. Regular feedback can aid in identifying areas you excel in and those you need to improve. A good instructor should have a systematic way of tracking your progress and providing constructive feedback.

  • Can You Customize Guitar Lessons?

No two students are the same. Each student has unique learning needs, pace, and musical interests. Hence, it’s crucial that the instructor can customize guitar lessons in Auckland according to your needs. Whether you wish to learn classical guitar or are more inclined towards rock, your tutor should be able to tailor the lessons accordingly.

  • What’s Your Availability and Flexibility?

Consistency is key when learning a musical instrument. Therefore, it’s imperative to understand the instructor’s availability and their flexibility in rescheduling classes. Knowing this upfront can help you plan your schedule and ensure that your learning isn’t interrupted.


Choosing an instructor isn’t merely about finding someone who can play the guitar well. It’s about finding a mentor who understands your learning needs, can motivate you, and guide you towards achieving your musical goals. By asking these questions, you can ensure that you find a guitar teacher in Auckland who is not just an expert in their field but also the right fit for you. Remember, the journey of mastering the guitar is as important as the goal itself. So, choose wisely!