Our eyes constantly product water in an attempt to clean and disinfect the eye. Acuvue Moist is only ever worn for a single day before they are to be discarded, and whilst this may seem rather wasteful, it is an extremely necessary step in order to safeguard against the possibility of infection arising due to bacteria building up within the lenses. So without tears, we run the very real risk of acquiring an infection which can be a rather unpleasant prospect indeed, and an extremely painful one to boot.
Amazing benefits are given by these contact lenses:
- Dry Eyes Assistance
The “Moist” factor means a different composition of the lenses helps with dry eyes. See, if lenses tend to dry on their own, then the tears of the eyes start to get sucked up by the lenses themselves. That means dry eyes get even drier with many contacts. These lenses contain substances that keep the lenses moist so the lenses don’t pull moisture from the eye surface. That makes for a more comfortable experience.
- No Maintenance
Not having to deal with chemicals and storage is a major plus. The lenses themselves cost more but this additional cost is somewhat offset by the reduced supplies cost. Lower maintenance also means less time spent looking after lenses too. Then again there is no need to try to remember when to change to fresh lenses at some interval. Change lenses whenever you need lenses.
- Very Thin
As you probably know, contact lens thickness varies. Thicker lenses may be more noticeable in the eyes but are often easier to handle. Very thin and moist lenses tend to fold up and flop around making it a bit of a struggle to get them in. The Acuvue Moist lenses are of this type, the thin and almost non-existent type.
- Consistent Vision
Years ago, contacts varied from lens to lens which made it something of an adventure each time you got new lenses. You almost had to get used to each new lens. Not so with these new contacts. You can change them every day because every lens feels like every other lens. It makes getting a new lens every day a positive experience, not one to be dreaded.
- No Expiration Problems
Once you open more extended Acuvue Moist wear lenses, the clock is running. You should only use those lenses for a specified period. Then they are to be thrown away. On the other hand, one-day lenses can sit in the unopened pack for long periods of time.