If you’re considering expanding your business operations internationally, setting up an offshore company in Mauritius could be an excellent strategic move. Known for its favourable business environment, attractive tax incentives, and robust legal framework, Mauritius offers numerous benefits for offshore businesses. In this guide, we’ll explore the process of offshore company setup in Mauritius and why it’s a popular choice for businesses worldwide.

Understanding Offshore Company Set-up

Before diving into the specifics of offshore company setup, it’s essential to understand what constitutes an offshore company. An offshore company is a business entity registered in a jurisdiction other than the one where its operations are conducted. Offshore companies are commonly used for international trade, investment, and asset protection purposes.

Choosing the Right Structure

The first step in setting up an offshore company  is choosing the right business structure for your needs. Options include Global Business Company (GBC), Limited Liability Company (LLC), and Partnership. Each structure has its own advantages and considerations, so it’s crucial to seek advice from offshore management companies in Mauritius to determine the most suitable option for your business.

Meeting Legal Requirements

Once you’ve chosen a business structure, you’ll need to fulfill the legal requirements for offshore company registration in Mauritius. This typically involves submitting the necessary documents to the Registrar of Companies, obtaining a business license, and appointing a local registered agent. These companies can assist with navigating the regulatory landscape and ensuring compliance with local laws.

Benefiting from Tax Incentives

One of the key attractions of setting up an offshore company in Mauritius is the favorable tax regime. Mauritius offers competitive tax rates, including zero percent tax on foreign-derived income, no capital gains tax, and no withholding tax on dividends, interest, or royalties. These tax incentives make Mauritius an attractive jurisdiction for international businesses seeking to minimize their tax liabilities legally.

Accessing Global Markets

By establishing an offshore company in Mauritius, businesses gain access to a strategic gateway to global markets. Mauritius has a network of Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements (DTAAs) with over 40 countries, facilitating international trade and investment. Additionally, the island’s well-developed infrastructure, political stability, and skilled workforce make it an ideal base for conducting business across continents.


Setting up an offshore company in Mauritius offers a multitude of benefits for businesses seeking to expand their global footprint. From favourable tax incentives and regulatory ease to access to international markets, Mauritius provides a supportive environment for offshore businesses to thrive. Whether you’re a multinational corporation, a startup, or an individual entrepreneur, an offshore company setup can open doors to new opportunities and drive business growth.