If you’re an outdoor party enthusiast, you know that BBQ charcoal in Australia is an essential ingredient for a successful cookout. How else can you ensure mouth-watering, smoky-flavoured meat and various, deliciously charred sides? However, using charcoal can be tricky, and a lot can go wrong if you don’t know what you’re doing.

To help you master the art of using charcoal, the following is a list of pro tips for making the most of it.

1. Keeping Charcoal Moist

Charcoal needs to be dry to light correctly. But once it’s lit, it’s essential to keep it moist to prevent it from burning too quickly. You can keep charcoal moist by sprinkling water over it or wrapping it in a damp newspaper before lighting it. A simpler solution, however, is to buy slow-burning professional charcoal briquettes for a consistent heat source.

2. Maintain Heat For A Good Sear

For a perfect BBQ, it’s essential to maintain a consistent heat source. Use a chimney starter to light the charcoal and wait until the coals turn white before spreading them out on the grill. Spread evenly to ensure a consistent heat source, and use the vents on your grill to control the temperature.

3. Keep The Charcoal Away From Direct Sunlight

Direct sunlight can dry out charcoal, making it burn too quickly and inconsistently. To prevent this, store your charcoal in a dry, cool place, away from direct sunlight.

4. Invest In A Good Meat Thermometer

A good meat thermometer is essential to ensure your meat is cooked to perfection. Use it to check the internal temperature of your meat regularly. This way, you’ll avoid overcooking or undercooking and you’ll achieve succulent every time.

BBQ charcoal in Australia

5. Check Your Grill’s Temperature Routinely

To maintain a consistent heat source, it’s essential to check your grill’s temperature every 20 minutes. This way, you can adjust the vents and add more charcoal if needed to maintain a consistent temperature.

6. Don’t Throw Away Old Coals

Don’t throw away old coals that you’ve used before. You can reuse them for your next BBQ by adding new charcoal to the old ones. This way, you’ll save money and reduce waste while still achieving that perfect smoky flavour.


Using BBQ charcoal in Australia can be tricky, especially for those with little grilling experience. But with these pro tips, you’ll find that mastering the barbie requires a mix of patience, care, and resourcefulness. With these tips, you’ll achieve that perfectly cooked, smoky-flavoured meat every time, impressing your friends and family with your skills.

Related Source: Charcoal for Restaurants