Schools are now always in search of effective ways to improve their overall success rate, and they are reaching beyond the academic needs of a child in an effort to support the entire family as a unit which is known as Victoria parenting centre. They always look for new ideas and innovative ways to address the holistic needs of their students and their parents.

Victoria parenting centre

Nowadays, schools are following this way by opening and operating parent centres that get everyone involved in not only for the academic growth of students but also the social growth of the students.such a type of parent centre, which is created to support and encourage the healthy development of the school, students as well as families.  

As mentioned earlier, schools continue to look for effective ways to improve their overall success rate. There are several things that are responsible for the entire success of a school. These things and attributes include:

  •         Having a positive climate inside the school building
  •         Cohesive staff
  •         Good teachers
  •         Good Leadership
  •         Good curriculum
  •         Parental involvement

The schools that are best in all these things develop students:

  •         It develops students who score high on standardized tests
  •         Have high grades in coursework
  •         They become punctual and attend class regularly
  •         They become motivated to attend college

Parent involvement in a school is very important, and by far, it is the most challenging attribute to achieve. According to educational research, the involvement of parents is crucial in their children’s educational journey. And being involved doesn’t mean being involved only at home, but it actually means to involve at school as well. Research shows that the schools that achieve high are because they have a high level of parental involvement.

Victoria parenting centre

Schools that have parenting centres help to create a strong sense of community spirit. These centres, including the Victorian centre, run on a non-profit basis and these, are open to all families. Several resources, multiple programs, different courses, and support groups are offered for families through the centre. Likewise, for the maximum output and better results, the Victorian centre is offering a parent education course for the sake of professional development.

Moreover, school principals arrange parent’s gatherings or meetings within these centres. The meetings are arranged to share ideas, needs, and concerns with the principal. This offers a great opportunity and establishes open communication between school and home.

So the bottom line is, the schools involving parents are high-achieving schools. The Victorian parenting centre is one of them, which is built to promote parents to get involved in the real success of students, parents, and the school.